
Monday, January 27, 2014

Why is the size of my SharePoint 2010 User Profile Service sync database so large? Can I shrink it?

Why is the size of my SharePoint 2010 User Profile Service sync database so large? Can I shrink it? 
There are new stored procedures in the Feb 2012 cumulative update that will keep the size under control.  If you have that patch installed you can run the following:

$timerJob = (Get-SPTimerJob | ? { $_.TypeName -eq "Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileImportJob" })
 $timerJob.KeepHistoryInterval = 1
 $timerJob | Start-SPTimerJob

Adjust the KeepHistoryInterval to your liking.  It tells the Sync database how many days of sync history to keep (which is what makes the database grow and grow).

Friday, January 17, 2014

Shri Paramhans Dayal Dada Guru Dev ji Shri Shri 1008 Aduaitanand Ji Maharaj

"श्री परमहंस दयाल  जी सहाय "  "श्री सद्गुरुदेवाय नमः"
"जय सच्चिदानन्द जी"
मेरे साहिब ! मेरे साहिब !
तू मेरा में  तेरी , तू मेरा में  तेरी
त्रिलोकी  दा मालिक प्रीतम कहंदे नंगलीवाला !
नजर मिला सकदा न कोई ऐसा तेज निराला !!
वाणी इसदी मीठी लागे एहो बक्शनहारा !
दीन - दुःखी जो वी  आया शरणागत ऐहनु प्यारा !!
अमृत वेले अमृत वगदा भर-भर पीलो प्याला !
दर्शन एह्दा ठंड  बरसावे पावे कर्मा वाला !!
कुदरत वि हथ जोड़ खड़ी है तकदी एदे इशारे !
जन्नत वि जद दर्शन पाया बोल बोल जय-जयकारे !!
धन्य हुई है नंगली प्यारी पाके प्रीतम प्यारा !
मान करे नंगली दा कण-कण बन गया नंगलीद्वारा !!

Monday, January 13, 2014

SharePoint 2013 Workflow feature changed

WorkFlow in Sharepoint 2013
Save and Publish feature for work flow has been changed and actually it has been broken in to two steps.

1) Save - u can save for future purpose
2) Publish  - U can publish

In Moss and SP2010, it was a common button for both.

This sction contains the list of InfoPath forms that are used in current workflow, only if you are using SharePoint 2010 workflow. In sharePoint 2013, InfoPath is no longer used for these forms. If your workflow has any parameter, a file called WFInitForm.aspx will be generated automatically when the workflow is published.

Sharepoint 2013 Managed Path Explicit Inclusion and WildCard Inclusion

While reading Sharepoint , I found concept of managed path, and got a question Is Managed path similar to Site Collection??

Read a bit, and found, By Default SharePoint Web Applications have a managed path "/". Now for our convenience we can create managed path like "/sites/". So it will look like 

These both are example of managed path, just the difference is one is default root "/" and second is manually created "/sites/. 
So now what is Explicit Inclusion: - 
No big topic, A managed path which could not have further divisions. Divisions What is a division now??? see

Here these 3 are example for the site collection, /Hr/, /Admin/, and /Money/ are nothing but site collection or Divisions under managed path /sites/. 
So back to Explicit Inclusion, its a type of managed path which will hold the content data pages etc but it wont have any site collection below it. 

But we do have many Sharepoint web applications with managed paths which does have site collection then what is it?? These all are Wild Card Inclusion type of managed path. 

So  - web application - Web Application where '/' is managed path or - Web application where '/sites/' is managed path. - further no subsites, is eg of Explicit inclusion managed path

And below are example for WildCard Inclusion managed path.

Hope it will help.