
Friday, April 1, 2011

Help with IIS creation of user


I did not originally set up the ftp using IIS but I need to add another user in order for them to log in.
I checked under active directory and have found a user that currently logs in and have duplicated them. When I try and log in using the ftp account I receive the following message:
Response:      530 User Domain/user cannot log in, home directory inaccessible.
I have checked the permissions on the folder that the ftp accesses and added the new user in their.
I am not sure what else I need to do.



Solution :-  Let you have created a new user 'FtpUser1'
Go to IIS -> Locate Default FTP Site , Add  'FtpUser1' user to it and provide "list only permissions" . Expand FTP site , locate your virtual directory open its directory and add  'FtpUser1' user there with modify and write permissions.
Try to login with user id and test its working.

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